Ten Years of Music
This is a compilation of many tracks and songs I made since the year 2003. Some are real soundtracks for documentaries of the United Nations University and some are songs composed, arranged and produced with my brother Daniel and other friends like Dany Loyo as part of the band "Radar". I worked with various singers including my brother's wife Shenny Lopez, my friends Gaby Vega and Adriana Rodriguez. Thank to everyone who made possible this 10 years of Music!! Thanks to all the Directors who believed on my music and made possible so many soundtracks from many countries around the world. I wish I could spend more time to make long tracks of each one of the short pieces for the documentaries, but time has a limit on the Video-Documentary industry and many pieces never were finished on my point of view, just abandoned, or delivered at the time. Thank all of You! https://soundcloud.com/dplusdmxjp/sets/davids-selection-2003-2013